Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Lot has Changed's been a while.  Not just a while, a LONG while!  So, finally I have decided to brew again, and it's been way too long!  With life and kids, it gets pretty busy.  I have not stopped brewing, just haven't blogged about my brew days.  

In the year that I did not blog my brew days, I built myself a brew stand.  It makes things a quite a bit quicker and easier during the brew/clean up.  I also have been  making a lot of wine.  Wine is more convenient to make.  It doesn't take a half of a day to make, and you can do all of it indoors.  (And it keeps the wife happy.)

Now on to this recipe...

Next year, my brother-in-law is getting married and asked me to brew a beer for his wedding reception.  I have never brewed a beer for that many people, but he said to do my normal five gallons and that would be enough.  I'm going to do a five gallon corny keg and take it to the reception.  Now I need to work on getting the recipe/brewing process perfect.  

For the reception, the groom wants an American Wheat beer.  So that's what I'm trying to create.  

Now, on to the video of the brew day...

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