Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14-20, 2018

Last week recap:

Sunday: Adam worked late at the brewery, and I was not about cooking when he got home so late. We had Chinese takeout, and I am not sad about it.
Monday: Chickpea Curry - I was so nervous about this one. Six years into it and Adam is still is not a fan of Meatless Monday...and I was worried he'd hate this. This one is now officially on our "Delicious Things I've Made" list.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: Nothing exciting or unexpected to report. EXCEPT that we did make some homemade egg rolls one of those nights in our air fryer. They could have cooked a little longer, but were delish. I'd love to share the recipe, but we didn't use one.  We made a bunch more after we made sure ours were edible, and we froze them for later. We did air fry those longer than the ones we ate that night.
Friday: Adam ended up working at the brewery earlier than we expected on Friday, so it left little time for us to eat dinner at home. He gets delicious food truck meals when he's there, so I didn't feel too guilty for letting him leave without eating!
Saturday: We started tailgating before Noon for a 7 PM game. This is our normal....and Virginia won!! Go Hoos! (We had lots of tailgate food for dinner!)
Here's what's up this week - though, full disclosure: Sunday's dinner was one that we didn't make from last week...and it's Sunday, and I still haven't gone grocery shopping. I went to make tonight's dinner, and the asparagus from last week smelled.....less than edible. So. Salmon and some sautéed mushrooms did the trick. I was just cooking for me tonight - Adam worked at the brewery until past dinner-time.

We're cooking mostly from our freezer this week. A few weeks ago, I made Chicken Pot Pie, and when I make one...I usually make two and freeze one. This week just feels like a Chicken Pot Pie week. It's starting to get cooler and actually feel like fall. Most of the rest we have in the freezer...ground beef, steaks, and chicken. The grocery store visit should be a quick one this week!

October 14-20, 2018
Monday: Egg Drop Soup 
Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday: Burgers with salad
Thursday: Steak & Baked Potato
Saturday:  Key West Grilled Chicken with grilled veggies

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