Sunday, April 1, 2012

Baby Food Makin'

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I love relaxing and spending the day with family. We started out the day by going to church and visiting my Grandma Mary - that's how pretty much every Sunday starts out for us. Then Adam headed to a kickball game, and Lucy & I came home.

For dinner, Adam and I had leftovers. We made fajitas out of the flank steak from Thursday and the pineapple salsa from last night. Simple.

Lucy was running low on food, so tonight, we made her some food to freeze. We make the majority of Lucy's baby food. We're not really against jarred food, but we have fun making it ourselves and enjoy knowing exactly what goes in it. Tonight we made her some mixed veggies (pictured) and also carrots, green beans, and chicken.

Baby food is super simple to make, and it freezes so well. We just steam fruit, veggies, or meat, then add some liquid, and purée it. It really can't get any easier. We've bought mostly fresh fruits and veggies, though we've also used frozen. Tonight we used frozen green beans and mixed veggies.

Lucy doesn't seem to be too picky - she likes ANYTHING orange - butternut squash, carrots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, etc. (Maybe it's because I craved orange flavors while I was pregnant. I couldn't get enough orange juice, orange soda, or oranges - I was positive my child wouldn't have scurvy.) The one food we've found that she really doesn't love is peas, though she will eat them if they are mixed with something else. She takes back after me and my mom, I'm sure. Three generations of women that hate peas.

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