Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 4-10, 2018

Last week recap:

Last Saturday, Adam made some homemade pineapple/habanero hot sauce. It is SO good. We used that for our wings on Thursday (which Adam grilled). DELICIOUS. It was our first attempt at hot sauce and will NOT be our last.

Isaac came with us to the football game Friday night, which we unfortunately lost. Adam ended up taking Lucy to the Chris Stapleton concert with my ticket, due to some unforeseen circumstances. I'm bummed I didn't go, but it was such a special daddy/daughter night for the two of them.

I'm looking forward to this week - Meatless Monday is looking yummy. Adam didn't complain with the last chickpea meal we made....I hope I'm not pushing my luck!  For the mac and cheese this week, Isaac wants to add a cheese-it topping because of some little flier he picked up at Food Lion a couple weeks we're going to try it!

Up next:

Sunday: Sloppy Joes II with zucchini and corn
Monday: Smokey Potato and Chickpea Stew
Tuesday: Burgers and hot dogs with mac and cheese and beans
Wednesday: Peruvian-Style Roast Chicken with steamed broccoli
Thursday: BBQ Pulled Pork Quesadillas (Frozen pork, frozen black beans, frozen salsa)
Friday: Spaghetti
Saturday: Football Game

Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 28-November 3, 2018

Last week recap:

The highlights this week are as follows:

I got home later than I expected on Monday. I usually make our pizza sauce and Adam grills the pizza. It was allll up to him to make the sauce, which was an unexpected surprise for him. He pulled it off though and it was delicious!

The kebabs on Tuesday were made two ways - one on skewers and one in a cast iron baking pan. I only had the skewered ones, but Adam had both and said the ones in the pan were superior. He loved that the sauce cooked with the meat and veggies and sort of caramelized them. We'll do it that was next time.

FAJITAS! So, so good. I work from home on Fridays and was so happy to have some delish leftover fajitas. We used a fresno pepper....we have a bunch of hot peppers that we just pulled up from our garden. We're going to attempt a hot sauce. Wish us luck!

Image result for ross fajitas gif

Chili. It was good. But just good. Adam will tell you it was delicious, but I have a couple of problems. We made chili and homemade cornbread.

Problem #1: My mom didn't make the chili.
Problem #2: My Grandma Mary didn't make the cornbread.

Other than that, it was a solid okay meal.

We switched it up and had the paninis on Friday, then steak and baked potatoes on Saturday. The paninis were not good. I couldn't find the sourdough bread I usually get for paninis, so I got some ciabatta bread, thinking it would be a fancy substitute. It was just too thick, even though we removed some of the inside of the bread. The steak and potato though...just perfect.

Up next:

October 28-November 3
Sunday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Baked Ziti
Wednesday: Grilled Chicken Salad
Thursday: Wings
Friday: Tailgate
Saturday: Concert

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 21-27, 2018

Weekly Menu: October 21-27, 2018

Last week recap:

The only really interesting thing to report from last week is that on Friday...we had frozen lasagna. I'm not proud. I make a delicious homemade lasagna. I'm also not sad about it. The kids ate it, and that is what I call a success.

Here's what's up this week! Adam has a kamado grill, and the pizza he makes on it is out of this world. We haven't made homemade pizza any other way since he got it about six months ago. We make a simple pizza sauce out of garlic, dried oregano, canned whole tomatoes, fresh basil, salt, and pepper....and we love to use the help of our immersion blender. We love that thing!

For the fajitas - we'll plan on using a blend of peppers...both mild and hot, a red onion, some baby bellas, and some chicken. We have some hot peppers we need to use from our garden. We usually make a marinade for the chicken from some lime juice, lime zest, fresh cilantro, and some homemade taco seasoning. Sometimes Adam will grill them, and sometimes we'll just sauté. No idea what we'll do this week!

I didn't put much detail into "Salad" on Friday...but I'm thinking some deli ham, banana peppers, red onions, tomatoes, and some sort of yummy vinaigrette. 

I need to link to the tomato soup when I have some time. We make it in the Instant Pot and it makes a ton, so we always freeze some. We'll be dipping into the frozen stash this week!

October 21-27, 2018
Sunday: Leftovers
Monday: Grilled Pizza
Tuesday: Hawaiian Bacon Pineapple Chicken Kebabs
Wednesday: Fajitas
Thursday: Chili
Friday: Salad
Saturday: Chicken Pesto Paninis with tomato soup (frozen)

Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14-20, 2018

Last week recap:

Sunday: Adam worked late at the brewery, and I was not about cooking when he got home so late. We had Chinese takeout, and I am not sad about it.
Monday: Chickpea Curry - I was so nervous about this one. Six years into it and Adam is still is not a fan of Meatless Monday...and I was worried he'd hate this. This one is now officially on our "Delicious Things I've Made" list.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: Nothing exciting or unexpected to report. EXCEPT that we did make some homemade egg rolls one of those nights in our air fryer. They could have cooked a little longer, but were delish. I'd love to share the recipe, but we didn't use one.  We made a bunch more after we made sure ours were edible, and we froze them for later. We did air fry those longer than the ones we ate that night.
Friday: Adam ended up working at the brewery earlier than we expected on Friday, so it left little time for us to eat dinner at home. He gets delicious food truck meals when he's there, so I didn't feel too guilty for letting him leave without eating!
Saturday: We started tailgating before Noon for a 7 PM game. This is our normal....and Virginia won!! Go Hoos! (We had lots of tailgate food for dinner!)
Here's what's up this week - though, full disclosure: Sunday's dinner was one that we didn't make from last week...and it's Sunday, and I still haven't gone grocery shopping. I went to make tonight's dinner, and the asparagus from last week smelled.....less than edible. So. Salmon and some sautéed mushrooms did the trick. I was just cooking for me tonight - Adam worked at the brewery until past dinner-time.

We're cooking mostly from our freezer this week. A few weeks ago, I made Chicken Pot Pie, and when I make one...I usually make two and freeze one. This week just feels like a Chicken Pot Pie week. It's starting to get cooler and actually feel like fall. Most of the rest we have in the freezer...ground beef, steaks, and chicken. The grocery store visit should be a quick one this week!

October 14-20, 2018
Monday: Egg Drop Soup 
Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday: Burgers with salad
Thursday: Steak & Baked Potato
Saturday:  Key West Grilled Chicken with grilled veggies

Sunday, October 7, 2018

October 7-13, 2018

Here's what we're having for dinner this week. We have been making a weekly menu since October of 2011, after our daughter was born.  We try to stick with it as much as we can. 

I'm especially excited about Monday. I think we get in a Meatless Monday rut, and tend to have boring things over and over. We've never tried this one before. I couldn't find dried chickpeas at Food Lion, so we're using canned. 

Saturday there's a home UVa football game, and it doesn't start until 7 PM. Since we'll start tailgating around noon, it's safe to say we won't be having dinner at home Saturday. Happy eating!

October 7-13, 2018
Sunday:  Key West Grilled Chicken with grilled veggies
Monday: Chickpea Curry with Naan
Tuesday: Sloppy Joes II with corn and zucchini
Wednesday: Pad See Ew
Saturday: Eat at Tailgate

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Jalapeño Wonton Poppers

We love the fall. A lot of things about it make us happy, but not much compares to tailgating for football games for us. We love our tailgating family! Today we're sharing a favorite tailgate food of ours! We found the idea for these here, but made a few small changes to kick 'em up a bit. Things you'll need: softened cream cheese (we use neufchatel), shredded cheddar, jalapeños, cooked (and crumbled) bacon, BBQ sauce  wonton wrappers, and oil for frying.

When I was pregnant with Isaac, he had a milk protein intolerance, so I cut out dairy for a while. Do you know how tough that is? There's dairy in so many unexpected things. I once bought beef bouillon cubes only to get home and realize that they had traces of dairy. I cried. I found that there are some really good dairy substitutes, though. This recipe was one of the things we took to a tailgate while I was dairy-free, made from those substitutes...and no one knew the difference! These days, we make them with dairy cheeses, but just know they are super easy to make dairy-free if needed! And you could leave out the bacon to make them vegetarian.

First you'll mix all your ingredients together. Add about a teaspoon of the filling to your wonton and a dab of BBQ sauce.

You want to be sure not to overfill your wontons. The one above was a little overfilled...but believe me, it did not stop us from using it!

Close the wontons like this. Try to get as much air out of them, and seal the edges with water. You don't want them to have any openings when you fry them.  Then you want to fry them in oil at 350°, turning as needed, until they are golden brown. It doesn't take long.

And then stick them in a container and take them to your tailgate! You could also freeze them at this point if needed, and then bake to re-heat.  While these are much better warm, they are pretty decent cold, too.

1 package refrigerated square wonton wrappers (approximately) 
1 8-ounce package neufchatel cheese, softened
2-3 jalapeños, seeds and ribs removed, finely chopped
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
4-6 pieces bacon, cooked and crumbled
BBQ sauce to taste 

1. Heat oil to 350°,
2. Mix cheeses, bacon, and jalapeños.
3. Place about a teaspoon of the filling onto a wonton wrapper. 
4. Put a dab of your favorite BBQ sauce onto the mixture. 
5. Fold the wonton into a triangle and seal the edges with water. Try to remove any air bubbles.
6. Place in the oil and fry until golden brown on both sides, flipping as needed.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Making A Yeast Starter

This shows how much DME I need for my yeast stater.  (via YeastCalac)

What is a yeast starter you say?  Well, let me explain in a mini beer lesson...

When you make beer, basically you are making a big batch of "flavored sugar water" (wort).  When you add yeast to that sugar water, the yeast cells eat the sugar and ferment it into CO2 and alcohol.  The CO2 is released via the air lock and the alcohol stays in the beer.  That was fun right?

Back to why a yeast starter is good...

If you don't have viable yeast cells, they wont eat the sugar.  In turn, the wort won't ferment.  Making a yeast starter makes sure that there are enough viable yeast cells to chomp down on all those yummy sugars.

 Making a yeast starter is very simple and can be done within an hour (at most).  The photo shows the things you will need.
When making a yeast starter, you are just making a very small batch of beer.  Here I'm measuring out dried malt extract (sugar powder) to add to water.
Adding water to the pot.  Bring this to a boil then add the dried malt extract.

While waiting for the water to come to a boil, I make sure to sanitize anything that is going to touch the final product.  Cleaning and sanitization is key when doing anything brewing related.

Here is the wort boiling.
I found that the sweet spot for boil time is about fifteen minutes.  Some people boil for a half hour.  That's too long for me.  I lose too much wort during the boil off and fifteen minutes still does the job just fine!

For this starter, I'm using Wyeast 1056.  It's a basic ale yeast that can be used for a wide variety of styles of beers.  IPAs, Pale Ales, etc.
After the fifteen minute boil is done, the wort goes back into the glass and needs to be cooled down to room temperature before we can add the yeast.  If you add the yeast to wort that is too hot, it kills all the yeast cells.  Not good!
I use the very scientific method of a sink full of cold water and ice to bring the wort temperature down.
Here is the yeast being added to the cooled wort.
After everything is done, it's time to put the starter on the stir-plate.

A stir-plate is basically a box with a magnetic computer fan in it.  In with the starter is a one inch stir bar that the fan spins magnetically inside the jar so it keeps the yeast cells always in suspension.

To my absolute amazement, this starter started fermenting within an hour (I've never seen that before).

I will let this run for about 36 hours then pour some off to harvest yeast (I'll make another blog post about this) and stick the remaining in the refrigerator until brew day!