Sunday, December 16, 2012

Beersmith University

I meant to upload this photo when I originally started this brew, but forgot. I am still getting used to Beersmith and all of it's glory. It seems to be a lot more technical than I am ready for but I figure the more I play around with it, the more I will learn. The only thing that confuses me is a lot of times the original and final gravity readings do not add up with what the kit's paperwork says. I don't know if I don't have my equipment set up correctly or what, but I will keep tweaking it until I get it right.

On a different note, checked the beer again today. Seems like fermentation is just about done. It's been fermenting for a week now. I usually try and leave my beers in the fermenter for at least three weeks. This helps the beer clarify and look pretty. Then I will go straight to bottling and let it condition for at least six weeks for this beer. Other beers I will bottle condition for three weeks, then put in the fridge for a week or two then drink. This holiday ale has a lot of adjuncts that need to simmer before we drink them. If we wait only three weeks the beer will have an overwhelming cinnamon, mace, nutmeg flavor.

I am still on the hunt for a mini fridge that I can convert into a kegerator. It seems like every time I contact someone, they just sold it. I never knew Craigslist was such a poppin' place. I guess I need to be quick about it.

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